Thursday, September 25, 2014

The domino effect of remodeling

I decided to go for the burn yesterday and remove the old sheet music from Walls 3 and 4. Done!! (But, oh, my aching 58-year-old shoulders! And, my back! Good God, my back!) Then, while looking at paint samples, dreaming of getting this thing DONE, my daughter suggested that as long as "we" were painting the bathroom, to be known in the future as "the library"....
Paint colors too dark. Cabinet doors to go on that built-in shelf.
why not paint the "gallery" (aka little hallway outside of the bathroom), too? It is, she pointed out, too dark and gloomy, and the picture arrangement is "kind of random."
I admitted she had a point. The gallery could use some work and walls in a color with the same value as the rest of the interiors, which is a much lighter soft gold. But, I don't want more soft gold. I want a color that complements the soft gold and wood floors. Something light that sets off the picture frames but dark enough to contrast with the white trim. So, we consulted the color wheel and Ralph Lauren and came up with this...
It's called Desert Broom and although it looks gray here, it's actually got a little blue in it. "We" will be painting next week. But, first, I was moaning and groaning so much last night, the hubs decided to take me away for the weekend to a spa. Or, at least, a place with a hot tub. Find out where tomorrow!


Nebraskim said...

Be sure to use a good tinted primer over this wine color, or you will paint that wall four times and still think to yourself at times "is that burgundy still peeking through?" We had to contend with K-State purple colored walls in my dad's condo (and also KU-blue walls, too..what were the previous owners thinking?) Primer became our best friend. I think it was the brand called Kilz.

Jane said...

I love redecorating vicariously with you, Cathy. I may even have sympathetic aches and pains. Looking forward to finishing "our" painting.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Kim, note taken, thanks. Hubs told me of a combo paint and primer - Baer, Bear? = to use under the Ralph Lauren stuff. Jane, thank you for the sympathy pains. There will be more next week, I'm sure. I now have a deadline of Oct. 10 for the whole project to be finished!

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Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...