Monday, March 28, 2011

Crackberry OS 6: The upgrade

Speaking of diversions, I took an hour to update my Blackberry to the new operating system over the weekend and - voila! - it's like having a brand new phone! Better camera, better integration, better everything. The first thing I did was bump up my font size. So easy! So legible! And to think I almost didn't bother. Get onboard, BB users. You won't regret it.  (Now, maybe I'd better get busy doing those "Best of Bust Exercises.")


Ann @CreativeBoomer said...

I borrowed a BB once and the thing that stuck in my memory was how small the keyboard was.
Kudo to you for being able to use it!
When I finally did get a smart phone, I made sure to get a slide out keyboard I could fit my fingers on.

Cathy Hamilton said...

I recently traded in a Palm Pre with a slide-out keyboard that was actually smaller than the BB. My son's Droid is probably what I should have but it's so heavy. I'm OK on the BB, as long as I don't cut my nails too short.

Ann @CreativeBoomer said...

Back when my sister made a living as a typist, one broken nail threw off a whole day's typing.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...