Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Aaaaand...I'm back!

It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind and that's what I did with regards to moving BoomerGirl.com to another platform. Turns out, it wasn't necessary right now. What I did do is spend the last several days investigating new platforms for my "vanity site" which had been neglected for six years, at least. The profile photo I was using was way older than that. Who was I trying to kid?
The old home page, circa 2006 (two years after I stopped coloring my hair)
 For those of you who are interested, I used Wix.com to design a simple site that easily accommodates my content, including multimedia. Here is my site, as it looks right now. I highly recommend Wix for web design newbies like me. I'm still working on propagating my domain. (Is that like saying "sowing my wild oats?') But, I trust that will magically happen in the next 48 hours. Anyway, thanks for your patience while I figured all of this stuff out. I've missed blogging, and I've missed you. 


A Fan said...

Thank goodness. . . was having BG withdrawal. :-)

Cathy Hamilton said...

You are too kind, AF.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...