Saturday, January 4, 2014

Holy hipster, he-man!

I would like to think my humble little blog provides a public service once in a while. So, let my message today be one that you tuck away in your memory bank until you or someone you love needs it: If you ever have a hip replacement, do yourself a favor and consider the anterior (front) approach. There aren't a lot of surgeons who do it, and it requires a special operating table and instruments, but the recovery time is significantly less than the lateral or posterior approaches and, if all goes well, there are no restrictions on activities after surgery. To me, this is nothing less than a miracle. That said, we've been warned that tomorrow might be a rough day, soreness-wise, but the hubs is going to walk out of here on his own power, three days after major surgery. Hip, hip, hooray!
24 hours post-op


Nebraskim said...

I have heard this. You need to find "that" surgeon, typically at big teaching hospitals. Glad your spouse is on the mend.

Anonymous said...

I had anterior hip replacement 2 1/2 wks. ago and cannot believe how well I'm doing. Small incision, less pain, faster recovery. I never should have put off the surgery as long as I did.

Cathy Hamilton said...

We had the amazing luck of having a friend who had a friend who researched this procedure for three years. Even traveled to Cincinnati and California to interview doctors before finding a good one in Kansas City, his hometown.

Cathy Hamilton said...

P.S. I plan to send our friend and his friend some very nice wine.

KJ said...

Wow! Fantastic news, and great info. Thanks, Cathy!

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Fabulous news. Is he wearing a walker in this photo? xo

Cathy Hamilton said...

They released him this morning with only a cane. No walker required. I expect he'll ditch the cane in less than a week. Miraculous.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Anon, so happy to hear you're doing so well. It appears that boredom may be the biggest challenge in this recovery process.

Compliance Poster said...

Same story with my GrandPa, and very successful with his Total Hip Replacement Surgery in Bangalore, India.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...