Friday, January 3, 2014

The waiting game

Hospital Day One: Breakfast in Styrofoam
It felt a bit like vacation - getting up before dawn, packing the car and hitting the highway. That is, until we got to our destination. We arrived promptly at 5:45 and registered at Admissions.  This took all of five minutes. "The nurse will come to get you at 6:30," they said. So, we waited for 40 minutes in the hospital lobby.  By 7:15, we were chatting with the surgeon, an affable fellow with clean fingernails and perfectly coiffed hair. Good signs, we thought. At 7:20, we were informed that the very special instruments for the procedure (not kept in-house) had not been sterilized and delivered. Our 7:30 surgery would be delayed. One hour, tops. Keep in mind, the patient has a deteriorated hip. Sitting anywhere is painful, especially on a gurney. "Omigod, we were so close," we said. Uncomfortably, we waited until 8:45 when, finally, the nurse came to inject sedative into the patient's I.V.  We kissed - twice - and they wheeled him away to the O.R. Now, I wait again, trying not to think of what they're doing to him in there, my anxiety eased only by knowing he's not in the moment.


Carol Starr Schneider said...

Keeping good thoughts! How'd it go?

KJ said...

Hope all went well, Cathy! love & quick healing to your hubby and love to you!

Jane said...

Wishing him a swift recovery and you the patience to take of the patient.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks. The outcome was great, but it has been a long day.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...