Friday, November 11, 2011

Soft Surroundings, I Heart You!

How in Retail Heaven's name have I made it this far without raving about Soft Surroundings, my new favorite (online) store? I discovered it a few months ago and found it to be the best source for clothes for women my age  - not too dowdy like Coldwater Creek can be, not too embellished like Chico' the perfect bowl of porridge, SS is just right. It reminds me of J. Jill in the early years before they apparently decided to mute all of their colors. And they're long on tunics right now, which is a bonus.

1 comment:

Nebraskim said...

I just started getting Soft Surroundings' catalogs and agree, I like their stuff. Looked at their website and apparently they are based in St. Louis, so perhaps it's their upscale midwestern sensibilities that we like?

And yeah, I find Coldwater Creek to be a bit dowdy (and their new ad campaign where it looks like the women who are wearing their stuff are trying to one up their friends/sisters, etc. is off-putting); Chico's is too ethic for me. I like J Jill, but spendy and unless you like white, black or gray, it's definitely one dimensional; it's like a cheaper version of Eileen Fisher. I like Talbot's retail stores. But I admit that I buy an awful lot of my clothing from Lands End, Eddie Bauer and LLBean. I guess I kind of go for the practical vibe.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...