Sunday, December 18, 2011

A final (formal) remembrance

My column today is a tribute to my mother-in-law and her love of bling. I've been wearing a lot of it lately, especially the rhinestones. I think she would be pleased.
Two glitzy watches we just unearthed last night. (At what point did my hands become my grandmother's?)


Carol Starr Schneider said...

What a great gal. What a great column. So incredibly touching. You've really brought her back to life here. Hugs to you all. Such a loss. I will wear extra bling today in her honor.

Nebraskim said...

I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks so much. I loved the watches, too. So cute. You have introduced her to many people who now will remember a little bit of her always.

Also THANK you for writing (approximation) "When she was 2, her mother died." I cannot stand it when I read "her mother died when she was 2." Really? That's a pretty young mother.

Cathy Hamilton said...

CSS and Kim, thanks for the kind words. I'm slowly getting batteries for the watches and we're slowly getting back to normal - whatever that was, in our case.

Jane said...

I thought you column yesterday was a lovely tribute to your m-i-l and the love she shared. More is more!

My Friend Ronnie said...

Fantastic column---so many lessons in there! I have been wearing my husband's grandmother's costume bling but I can't quite wear the matching earrings, bracelets and necklaces at the same time-- but so glad I have them! Thanks so much for the beautiful tribute.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...