Saturday, December 17, 2011

White elephant score!

I was the clear winner at last night's White Elephant gift exchange party with friends. These are my new Foot Chargers by Clairol Research (I'm guessing circa 1975).  Not only do they warm my tootsies, they vibrate, too!  I don't know which is funnier looking - the gold vinyl moon boots - or those legs. Someone once called my skin 'alabaster.' I'm thinking it's closer to lavender.


Marguerite said...

OMG, Boomer Girl. You were clearly the winner! How was the Ugly Christmas Sweater party? Have a great week. Mine will be eventful as younger son blitzes into town for Christmas Monday night and I turn the big 6-0 on Wednesday. Don't know what to expect, except I plan to be" calm, cool and collected". LOL.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Happy 60th, Marguerite! Sounds like you have a happy week ahead.

chenlina said...
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Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...