Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A feast of Fiafini

The arrival of these Fiafini review products couldn't have been more timely.  My daughter graduated last week from esthetics school, ending my access to cheap facials and microdermabrasion treatments. Until she secures employment, I am left to my own skincare devices. Enter Fiafina, a new all-vegan line containing the latest miracle ingredient: Marula oil from the South African fruit of the same name.
I have three requests from skin care products: 1) A serum that doesn't leave sticky residue on my face;  2) A rich and creamy moisturizer that glides on smoothly then magically absorbs one minute later; and 3) That the whole regimen doesn't cost an arm, a leg and a forehead. Fiafini scores on all three counts, although I realize #3 is relative. Even with a "family and friends" discount on my daughter's professional line, I was still paying more than I would for Fiafini. Yet, Neutrogena - my next favorite brand - is considerably less expensive.  What impressed me most about Fiafini was the Divine Hydration Moisturizer that made my skin feel supple and moist, even after a night's sleep under the fan. Must be that miraculous marula oil.  My only complaint is that it does not contain sunscreen, requiring me to add yet another layer to my face every day. Still recommended.

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