Saturday, June 8, 2013

Betty Crocker got nothin' on me

Today, I did something I haven't done in years: I baked cookies. They were for the opening of the new community theatre; a promise I made months ago in a late night haze when called in bed by a theatre volunteer. Four dozen cookies. How hard could it be? Except that I haven't had any flour or sugar in the house for several months and I wasn't keen on reintroducing those ingredients non grata to my pantry. So, I bought a high dollar gluten- and wheat-free mix from the health food store. Two of them, no less.
I woke up and savored my coffee and iPad on the porch, not at all concerned that I had an hour-and-a-half to bake and transport said cookies to the theatre. How long could it take?  I preheated the oven and read the directions, realizing only then that each batch required a stick of butter - softened.  Grabbing two sticks from the fridge, I willed them to get soft. Ten minutes passed. Fifteen... twenty. It wasn't happening. I'd tried the microwave shortcut before resulting in total meltdown. I couldn't risk that happening again. Time was fleeing. Finally, I found a solution...
I sliced the sticks into slices and hit them with my trusty blow dryer. (Not too close.)  Working with a focused intensity not seen since 2003, I cranked out four dozen chocolate cookies, sprinkling them with cinnamon to give them that made-from-scratch look ....
and delivered them to the theatre in the nick of time. Naturally, I rewarded myself with a sample. Later, I would learn that one little cookie contained 100 calories. Shoulda had a V-8.


Carol Starr Schneider said...

Blow dryer to soften butter? Brilliant. The only time I ever used for something other my hair was to calm my baby boy down during a colicky phase. Why did I do that?

Cathy Hamilton said...

I once ran the vacuum cleaner for an hour to get my colicky boy asleep. It worked so well, I recorded the sound on a 120-minute tape so I wouldn't wear my arm out.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...