Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Vitamin D-3 Softgels from Trader Joe's

I had my annual physical yesterday and it was one of the best in recent memory. Blood pressure on the low side of normal, weight down 14 pounds from last year (a triumph I celebrated with a huge lunch and dinner) and blood work nothing short of stellar. Except for my Vitamin D levels which were slightly low. I suspect they were a lot lower a month or so ago before I started taking supplements.  I had a bad winter, people: Dark mood, low energy, overall malaise.  It got bad enough that, in late February, I broke out the Happy Light and invested in some Vitamin D.  D is the "sunshine vitamin," the deficiency of which is tied to depression, bone weakness, heart problems, stroke and more. My doctor recommended 1000-2000 I.U.s per day. Supplements can get pricey, which is why I tend to buy mine at Costco or  Trader Joe's. For $4.99, I can get a 90-day supply of happiness in a bottle and - bonus! - the softgels are small enough to pass my ultra-sensitive gag reflex test.  By the way, Vitamin D is the only supplement my physician recommended for me. She said studies have shown baby aspirin, fish oil, glucosamine and others to be largely ineffective.  I will still take magnesium to fight muscle cramps and valerian root to help me sleep. But, I'm about to free up a helluva lot of space in my medicine cabinet!

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...