Thursday, July 16, 2015

Devil's Thumb Wrap-up: Trail Ride & Gourmet S'Mores

The last morning of our work/play/wedding vacation was spent confronting one of my long-lasting anxieties: horseback riding. It's not that I fear horses (nor do they fear me.) It's just that I had never had a successful horseback riding experience in 59 years. The most notable fiasco was the hubs' and my second date in 1975 when he took me riding at the local stables. A romantic notion, no doubt, but I was unfortunate enough to draw a tired and cranky old horse named Big Dude who, unlike my future spouse, just wasn't into me. I mean, the guy took 20 steps out of the stable and just froze. Did. Not. Budge. As in, "Uh, sorry. You're not worth it." It's a great story to tell now, but the whole incident left me skeptical where the equine species is concerned. Thankfully, that ended with our fantastic trail ride at Devil's Thumb stables...
From the time we checked in to the end of the trail, the wranglers were friendly, helpful and covered the "Riding For Dummies" basics in an efficient and confidence-inspiring manner.
After an intimate moment of bonding, the hubs prepares to hop on Little Joe.
Ever-vigilant Megan leading us into the aspen grove.
We had Wrangler Megan all to ourselves on the breathtakingly gorgeous trail. She even obliged us by taking our photo to prove, once and for all, that Big Dude no longer defines our riding experience.
We both somehow managed to turn and back our horses up several feet for this shot. That's Buster under my saddle.
Now, here's why we probably won't be riding horses anytime soon again, despite the wonderfully positive experience: MY BUTT HURT LIKE THE BLAZES THE WHOLE WAY HOME IN THE CAR! (Omigod. Seriously, people.) Before the saddle soreness set in, however, we enjoyed one last meal at Heck's restaurant and the best darned s'mores this side of the Continental Divide out on the patio. The secret? Stuff'nmallows with mint chocolate chips baked inside!
They make them in Ft. Collins. Genius. I can't wait to buy a case for the next fire ring party here at the old Kansas homestead.
So long, Devil's Thumb. Thanks for the memories, pardners!


Carol Starr Schneider said...

Remind me to tell you my story of the horse than ran off with me, so fast I was hanging on by the stirrups.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Remind me to tell you my story of the horse than ran off with me, so fast I was hanging on by the stirrups.

Cathy Hamilton said...

That happened to my little sister on a trail ride when we were kids. Terrifying!

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Inn of the Governors

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