Sunday, November 6, 2011

Newsflash: You are not crazy and neither am I

This a really thought-provoking piece about the "epidemic that defines women as crazy, irrational, overly sensitive and unhinged." I think it's important reading for women, men and, especially, girls.
    The writer - male, for the record - blames men, mostly, but I'd argue that women are guilty of perpetuating the myth, too. I've been hearing "calm down, you're over-reacting" my whole life, starting from my parents (mostly my dad, but Mom, too) and, now, even my kids get into the act once in a while. (I confess that I have accused my daughter of the same 'offense," especially at that time of the month.)
    What's more troubling are the people in our lives who - intentionally or unknowingly - practice 'gaslighting', which means "creating a reaction -- whether it's anger, frustration, sadness -- in the person they are dealing with. Then, when that person reacts, the gaslighter makes them feel uncomfortable and insecure by behaving as if their feelings aren't rational or normal." I am fortunate not to live with a gaslighter, but I have been 'gaslighted' in the past, and it can be damaging to your sense of self. 
   My take-away: Our reactions are simply our reactions. Our sensitivity levels are neither over or under. They just are. From now on, let's stop apologizing for being normal.


KJ said...

I agree! Great post, Cathy.


Loved this. Took the liberty to send the link to a couple men who have gaslighted me. Take care.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Go, Terre! I think most men who gaslight don't do it intentionally, as to belittle. It's becomes a way of winning an argument, getting an apology or getting their way. It's so accepted - this notion of the over-reacting, overly-sensitive woman, it's like they've got a mandate to push us to the brink then call 'foul.'

Ann alka WorkingBoomer said...

I agree. We as do not deserve being told how to feel. Great blog!

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks, Ann. Welcome to the blog.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...