Thursday, November 22, 2012

Stuff me

I'm determined NOT to get stuffed after tonight's Thanksgiving meal, but it's difficult to do, especially when there will be not one, but two giant pans of stuffing to choose from. (My 'wheat free' mantra may have to be modified today.) Every year, I do a slight variation on the same cornbread stuffing theme. Here's the 2012 version:
Sweet onions and celery sauteed in olive oil and lots of seasonings.

Trail mix sans coconut, chopped coarsely.
Cornbread cubes (from a Trader Joe's mix because....why not?)
Butter, water, and herbs from the box (because, again, why not?)
My secret ingredient.
Toss together and warm in the oven before serving. (The little dish is the "bites" bowl.)
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I am thankful for you!

1 comment:

Cath Pete said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Food looks great!

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...