Saturday, November 2, 2013

Boomerang times two

Not to be confused with double rainbows
Today, my adult son moves back into his old room, making it a full house at Chez BoomerGirl once again. Unlike his sister's, this scenario has an end date. He's moving to Brooklyn to start a new life on Jan. 5th.  The lease was up on his apartment this what's a parent to do? We offered. His sister will be happy to have someone to commiserate with, even if she will have to share the upstairs bathroom. Me? I'm doing the best I can to prepare: cleaning out drawer space in his old room (my office), grocery shopping, installing a lock on the liquor cabinet, refilling my Xanax prescription, meditating.  I'm sure the next two months will go by like that.


A Fan said...

BG - you are not the only retired Baby Booms we know who have adult children living with them or are supporting them financially (paying rent, giving monthly monetary stipends). Know you love your kiddos and are happy to help them. Continue to blog about moving from "empty nest" to "full house" -- it will provide a valuable perspective for those in the same circumstance. Interesting and timely topic.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks, AF. Indeed, there do seem to be more of us in this boat. This morning felt like a Monday morning fifteen years ago - son's trying to find his shoes (which he thinks he lost in the move), daughter has cramps and doesn't want to get out of bed.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Your medal is currently being engraved and will arrive at some point, along with mine, for mothering our adult children the only way we know how - by indulging their every adorable whim! xo

Flowers said...

I'm in Broolyn, too. Hope he is getting a good deal (with the 2 or 3 kids he is moving in with!) Franklin Avenue / Crown Heights area? Just curious. Seems to be where the kids are headed these days, likely because of the prices.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...