Monday, April 5, 2010

Feng shui schwinnng!

   After researching this story on the magic of feng shui, I decided to add a few "cures" to my own abode, especially since the Powerball jackpot is above $100K, which is the point when I start to play. 
   I discovered to my great dismay that the Wealth & Prosperity corner of my master suite was my bathroom.  (Not helpful, due to all the drains which swallow the good chi.)  To stop the giant energy suck, I closed the toilet lid and shower door, and placed a little ceramic bowl I purchased in Mexico on the back of the john.  The bowl was originally filled with sea shells but I thought, "What better symbolism than to have a smiling woman up to her boobs in money?!?" So, I filled the bowl with spare change and went out and bought five tickets for Saturday's Powerball.
  No, I didn't win, but neither did anyone else.  Stay tuned....


Ken Lauher said...

Very fun. Another option would be to add a living plant on top of the toilet tank so that the water energy feeds the wood and grows.

Cathy Hamilton said...

A brilliant idea, indeed, Ken. Unfortunately, I have a notorious "black thumb" and haven't had a lot of luck with house plants. However, for $125M, I might have to "cure" that problem, too! Thnx.

Christine said...

I believe in feng shui too. but just a little. Ken is right. Living plant will add life and energy to your bathroom.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...