Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Photos that made the cut

Portree, Scotland
I've got one of those digital photo frames that puts on a little slide show every time you switch it on. So, you see, there's been a method to my mad postings since returning home: sorting the good shots from the 'what was I thinking?' shots or, in many cases, blurry pictures of my feet. As my final post from the "Vacation That Seems to Have No End," here are a few - just a few - of my favorites:
A food server takes in the view after breakfast (anchored off the Isle of Skye, Scotland).
The Standing Stones of Stenness - Kirkwall, Scotland

It cracks me up that I would even think of doing this.
Molly Malone statue ("Alive, Alive-oh") with leprechaun. Because even the Irish are a wee bit Disney.
St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh. Digging the arches.
Seriously good Scotch. Seriously.
St. Magnus Cathedral. This could be Magnus himself. Gotta love a saint who sleeps on the job.

St. Magnus Cathedral. Again, the arches. So cool.
Cruise friends: Anna and Steve from Munich
Thank God all bars aren't this pretty. I'd drink all the time.  
In Edinburgh. (Only because Johnston is my maiden name.) 

Ditto.  In Dublin.

1 comment:

jp said...

Thank you for posting the photos and for sharing your great vacation! Brings back memories of past trips to the UK!

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...