Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A conveyance! Er, you shouldn't have..!??

    On our 25th anniversary, I bought my husband a pocket watch made of silver, as tradition dictated. On our 30th, he bought me a gorgeous strand of pearls - the designated gift, according to Hallmark. This Thursday, the hubs and I will celebrate No. 32.  It's been a challenging year, in many respects, so I decided a gift is in order.  But, what does tradition say about the 32nd, I wondered. Most guidelines just hit 5-year milestones (30, 35, 40 and so on). Then, I found this site which answered my question: Give the poor guy a conveyance.  Excuse me, a what? You mean, like a Beemer or a Harley? I've been a little bitchy and sullen, sure, but the year hasn't been THAT challenging.
   So, I throw it out to you, dear readers. What kind of conveyance can I reasonably buy my long-suffering spouse for the big 3-2? Make those suggestions freely. He never reads my blog, anyway.



CONVEYANCE is a means of transporting. Short of buying a new car. How about renting a limo or taking a horse and buggy ride? We did the latter for our anniversary a few years back and it was fun. Good Luck.

Nebraskim said...

Segway? Scooter? I've always wanted to do a Segway tour of a city like Chicago, so maybe a certificate for something like that? Plane ticket? Tickets to a Nascar race in KC (assuming you are into that... I would rather have dental surgery than Nascar but for some reason, others enjoy it.....)

Cathy Hamilton said...

I'm liking the carriage ride idea, TT. Nascar, not so much, Kim. We tried that once (free tickets) and high-tailed it out of there after the 20th lap due to the deafening noise.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

A bicycle built for two. You're welcome. Happy 32nd! xxx

Nebraskim said...

Cathy: somehow I knew you were not a Nascar fan. Neither am I. I am often shocked when I learn of friends who are. I am liking the tandem bicycle idea. So many ideas now: parasailing at Sun Valley (a really spectacular spot) or Hawaii. Surfing. Sailboat on Lake Superior. Cruise ship......Monorail in Seattle. Cable car in San Fran....Gondola in Venice.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Loving the bicycle built for two idea, except that I've ridden my bicycle built for one about three time since I bought it two years ago. Maybe a two-fer would get me out on the road again. I'd take another cruise in a nanosecond, if I could win one again. Thanks!

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...