Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Susie Sorority phone!

     I've not been blog-posting of late, mainly because I've been so busy at my day job, which is more of a night-and-day job the last two weeks. Also, I started my Efudex treatment on my forehead this past Saturday. And while it's probably not going to reach horror movie levels until next week, I haven't decided whether or not to post pics (you can see plenty if you Google "Efudex" images). Maybe three or four shots over the course of treatment to remind you guys to wear sunscreen EVERY FREAKING DAY!
    Meanwhile, I do have something new and pretty to look at: A new iPhone cover from Lilly Pulitzer which I purchased yesterday at a shop downtown (Fortuity). I have very strict criteria for an iPhone case. It needs to be made from rubbery material, not hard plastic that could crack when I (constantly) drop the phone; and it needs to be of a color easily found in the dark Bermuda Triangle recesses of my purse. Although I resisted the preppy pattern at first, this one fits the bill. Besides, it's the closest I'm going to get to Palm Beach anytime soon. And how apropos for the Florida primary! ('Wonder if Lilly's in the Mitt or Newt camp?)


Anonymous said...

You've been missed!

Cath Pete said...

I just looked at some pictures of efudex treatment. Hope it's not as painful as it looks. Thinking positive thoughts for you.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks to you both.

Cath Pete, I'm hoping the same. It's a strange feeling...waiting for the inevitable.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...