Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Can't say much for your timing, S.I.

The skirt isn't as long on me. Otherwise, I look EXACTLY like this in it, except I'm older, completely pale and more dimply.
I arrived home after a successful day, the highlight of which was finding a bathing suit for our upcoming trip to the beach. It's a little one strap swim dress that I actually don't hate AND it's a size smaller than the suit I bought last May. I was feeling pretty good about myself, friends. The self-esteem was off the charts! Then, I saw it.....
Husband placed bottle of wine next to mail. Coincidence or genius?
Arrrrrgh! It's bad enough the perennial pain in my patootie arrives the day before Valentine's Day. This year, it comes on the day I tried on six swimsuits in my grey ankle socks under florescent lights!?!  Well, I won't be flipping through the pages any time soon. I don't care how many exotic locales they've got in there. And, if that cab is supposed to be for tomorrow....sorry, dear.  I'm pouring it now!

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Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...