Monday, July 2, 2012

Going low-glycemic

I continue to lose weight (albeit slowly) on the Wheat Belly diet which, it turns out, resembles the low-glycemic diet everyone's raving about lately.
While the article linked-to above is aimed at children's diets, I think the information is helpful for everyone, especially with the diabetes epidemic raging in this country.  And, the thing is, it's not hard to stick to. As long as I can have scotch.


Nebraskim said...

I cut out wheat Memorial Day weekend because I suspected I was allergic....I had been plagued with itchy hives for months, plus a few other GI symptoms and joint pain. All disappeared within a week. A nutritionist friend told me wheat allergies (not the same as gluten intolerance) are pretty common and I have other allergies so this might be consistent for me.

I was surprised to have lost weight. It's been easy to be wheat free. I did eat a lot of things like shredded wheat cereal for breakfast, but have switched to rice chex. No pasta or bread, crackers, cookies, pie, flour tortillas, etc. I eat rice, corn and quinoa.

The nutritionist said that as long as I take a multivitamin, I'm ok on B vitamins. She also said there is probably a threshold where I could eat a few things occasionally, like a smallish amount of pasta, but it was the total imbalance of wheat products that was possibly causing my symptoms. right now, I so love not digging my legs and torso raw from scratching that I do not miss wheat at all. What I do miss is good hearty beer like Boulevard Wheat, but I find I can sneak a beer once in a while.

I am a believer now, but was skeptical at first.

Cathy Hamilton said...

That is so great, Kim. (And before I forget, try Nut Thins crackers, if you haven't already. Delish.) A friend of mine has been suffering from hives for about a month. I'm going to send this to her pronto. I used to love Blvd Wheat, too, but I'd often start itching (esp on the tip of my nose) as soon as I'd take my second sip. Thanks....

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...