Sunday, May 18, 2014

Two more getting ready to fly....

My happiest days are the days after a party. The house is sparkling clean, the yard has never looked better, and the hosts are still tired enough to justify doing nothing all day.
Morning after nap.
Today is one of those days, yet the feeling is bittersweet. Yesterday, we hosted a party for my nephew who graduated law school. For three years, he's been parking in our driveway to walk to class (my proudest accomplishment was backing into his car only once) and sharing countless meals at our house. He moves to Denver on Thursday for a great job that's been waiting for him for months.
Grad party festive.
His younger brother graduated last week and is moving soon to Chicago to pursue a career in music engineering. My poor sister is about to take a double whammy right to the heartstrings.
The graduates watching the baby owl. Can you tell which is the musician and which is the lawyer?
Serendipitously, baby owl number 2 or 3 (we're not sure) made an prolonged appearance outside of the nest so that everyone in the clan could see it. The hubs made sure of that...
Who owns four pairs of binoculars, I ask you. Who? Whoooo?
We're expecting those babies to fly any day now, maybe even this week. The metaphor keeps giving and giving...


alicel said...

How great that he has a job! So many law school grads are in panic mode. And I bet he loved your party because, Boomer Girl, YOU know how to throw one. xoxo

Cathy Hamilton said...

Super great for all concerned... and in the city he wanted. His undergrad was at CO School of Mines.

A Fan said...

Along with your sweet family sharing. Thanks for the owl update! Whooooooo! :-)

Carol Starr Schneider said...

I think I heard a song about this... "Mothers don't let your baby owls grow up to be cowboys.... but lawyers and musical engineers are kosher."

Cathy Hamilton said...

And if there's not a song, we will write one!

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...