Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Soda or pop? Who cares? It's a new margarita mix!

The other day, I wandered into the new-ish downtown soda shop (a business concept I'll admit I was skeptical about) to see if there was anything for the sugar-free crowd. I hadn't had a pop/soda in so long, I couldn't remember when. (I do remember the day - I was still working at the newspaper - when Diet Coke started to taste like chemicals, which is the day I bid goodbye to Diet Coke.) Anyway, the place was teeming with customers (this was on Saturday) and I couldn't believe how many flavors of pop/soda existed! Fortunately, there were two shelves full of 'zero sugar' and 'low sugar' pops/sodas. I picked out four different ones to take home and my hands-down favorite was this one called Immune from Nutrisoda....
Not the poppiest/soda-esque name I've ever heard, but it tasted great - tangerine and lime flavor - and contained all kinds of vitamins and minerals, many at 100% recommended daily values. Delicious and sugar-free, to boot! So, what did I do? Mix it with a little tequila and lime, of course. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

KJ said...

Sounds delish! I need to check that place out...

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...