Sunday, June 12, 2011

My new "signature" summer look

I've finally grown my hair long enough to wear a ponytail. This is a not-so-grand experiment to see which hairstyle stays cooler in the dog days of summer: my previous chin-length bob or the new look. (The pixie is not an option. Been there, cut that. Never again.) The problem with the ponytail is the rubber band. No umph! No pizzazz! Scrunchies seem so last decade and too teenybopper. What's a BoomerGirl to do? My brilliant-if-I-do-say-so-myself solution: Beaded stretchy bracelets salvaged from my mother-in-law's cache of junk jewelry. Twist them onto the top of the rubber band and - voila - a tail with flair!
Doesn't exactly complement my gardening ensemble, but you get the idea.


Marguerite said...

Love it, BG! Your hair looks good. I have finally reached my silver hair glory. It is all grown out and only took nine months. I love it and will never change the color. Hope all is well with you.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Congrats, Marg. You'll never go back. I'm guessing yours will look different depending on the light, like mine. Remember the blue shampoo once a week!

Anonymous said...

What "blue shampoo" do you use, if you don't mind sharing? The product I have used is no longer on the market, and I definitely miss it!

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Oh sassy! Love it!

Cathy Hamilton said...

Blue shampoo:
I used to use Bumble & Bumble but it was discontinued. This is just as good.

Kim from Nebraska said...

I'm growing out my hair as well but am not to the ponytail stage. My hair has been hip length (think Crystal Gayle) punk short (think Annie Lennox or KDLang) and all levels in between. I actually really like punk short, but after 2 years, needed a change. Love the idea of the twisty bracelets and I cannot wait until I get to that stage. I'm right now using those elastic headbands that athletes use to keep the hair off my face and neck. Not super stylish though.

I'm laughing cuz the "word verification" word I'm to type in is dingl. That seems appropriate for me and this post.


LOVE this idea. Going to have to buy me some stretchy bracelets. I have been thrilled to finally have hair long enough for a ponytail. First time in my life. Then I read women over 50 shouldn't wear one. You know what I think about that. Sorry I can't say in polite company.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks, Terre. I'm wearing black and turquoise chunks today and have gotten two compliments on them! Who cares what the magazines think!. In the pursuit of coolness (temperature, not hip factor), there is no standard.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Kim, forget to comment on "Dingl." I'm such a dingleberry!!

Annie said...

Love the look in the hair. I have long hair and the beads look so nice. That look may make my regular old throw together ponytail more stylish. Thanks for the suggestion.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Annie, I'm glad you can use the idea. It does look a little more finished. My other idea was wrapping the rubber band with old leather laces, but they kept slipping off. Elastic is key! (Wow! Much ado about ponytails.)

Ann @CreativeBoomer said...

I love this idea! Much better than the clear rubber bands I've been using. Although a ponytail does highlight how thin my hair has become. Why does this have to happen with age! *sigh*

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The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...