Saturday, April 14, 2012

Enough with the disasters, already!

     Did I mention I'm taking a cruise in seven short weeks? It's a dream vacation - 12 days sailing around the British Isles with my spouse, preceded by four days in London during the Queen's 60th Jubilee. (I hope to snag press seats for the 1000-boat flotilla on the Thames.) We're still excited, despite all the Titanic 100-year anniversary hoopla that reminds us, on a daily basis, how a pleasure cruise can suddenly turn, well, not fun.
    Now, comes an "unprecedented" warning of a massive tornado outbreak in the Midwest tonight.  OK, media peeps, you got our attention.     
   And speaking of catastrophes, did I mention I was called for jury duty yesterday? 'Seems my number comes up every other spring. If only I had the same luck with the Mega Millions lottery.


Carol Starr Schneider said...

How dare they call you for jury duty! And, I agree, as far as the Titanic commemoration, they've definitely gone... overboard! Enough already. That said, can I join you and the hubster in London? Send me a ticket.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Forget the ticket! I'll pack you in my trunk. (You could probably fit!)

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...