Saturday, December 12, 2009

Room with a view, and a little naughty, too.

   When a planned trip to New York City (on the Slim-Fast company - more on that later) was postponed, my husband suggested we spend the weekend playing out-of-towners in Kansas City, about an hour away from home.   After low-balling a 4-star hotel room on Priceline (55% off the rack rate, thank you very much), we're now holed up on the 9th floor, overlooking the famous Country Club Plaza. 
   It's nice and we're being very naughty - and by that I mean crashing someone's company Christmas party in the ballroom last night and having a cocktail from the open bar.  (Was that so wrong??  They had a really fun band.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Julie and I crashed a wedding at the Eldridge once, enjoying a drink and dessert. It was a little exciting.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...