Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Home, just in the nick

Returned from the trip just as the first flurries from a whopper snow storm began to fall. The bad news: I came down with the mother of all head colds yesterday. The good news: It didn't diminish the fun I had with my college pals. We are now officially "caught up" and, as seems to happen whenever I stay at a friend's home, I've returned with ideas of projects to try and products to buy.

In the products department, Thieves foaming hand soap is a must-purchase. I'd never heard of it but, as soon as I tried it, I was in love. Great scent, great feel, and you don't have to slather your hands with lotion right after you use it!
 Our hostess, a newly-retired art teacher and one of the most creative people I know, presented me with this needle-felted pillow she made (sheesh....and all I gave her was a bottle of wine). It's fabiosity has inspired me to start some kind of craft project as the snow falls outside my window. I can be crafty, you know. Maybe I'll make a collage from all my used Kleenex. Hey, it worked for the lint lady.

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Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...