Monday, January 3, 2011

Jane Fonda: Still kickin' after all these years

    Ah, the first Monday of a new year -- a day rife with good intentions and positive energy.  I felt so well-intended and positive this morning, I not only hit the gym, but came home and gave my review copies of Jane Fonda's new fitness DVD's - "Jane Fonda Prime Time" - a test spin in the living room.
   My first impressions? Well, Jane looks damn good.  (She's 72, you know!) And while she's admitted to having considerable work done on her face and neck, her body is still slammin'.  I first worked out with Jane in the early 80's, via her record album, after my son was born. I still have my copy, believe it or not.
The moves in Jane's newest offering are ramped down for an older audience, but the routines will get your heart rate up, and provide a good workout for people who haven't exercised much lately.  My main complaint is the Muzak-esque soundtrack. While "Jane Fonda's Workout Record" of 1981 featured hits by The Jacksons, Boz Scaggs and REO Speedwagon, the 2010 DVD is like shaking your groove thing to elevator music. For that reason, I doubt I'll spend much time sweating with Jane this year, unless I decide to put that old record album on the turntable.


Marguerite said...

Saw Jane on Oprah about a month ago. She is amazing, but don't care for her helmet hair. I too had her 80's workout video, and some leg warmers! Glad you are feeling good about the New Year. Marg

Carol Starr Schneider said...

The originator of the pelvic thrust has had various body parts replaced and reworked, but she looks good, and that's what's important.

Cathy Hamilton said...

And she thrusts that pelvis in the video, albeit while sitting in a chair. Sigh. The sultry voice is intact, too. Power to her...

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...