Thursday, January 6, 2011

Touch and be touched

I'm touch-y, not to be confused with touchy or touched (although some close to me might vehemently disagree.)  I'm just one of those touch-y/feel-y gals.  I tend to paw people I like when I talk to them.  And I pet the people I love a LOT.  I'm a hugger, a hand-holder, a tummy-rubbing, put-my-feet-on-your-lap cozy-upper.  What can I say? I like bodily contact. This makes some people uncomfortable, I'm sure.  That's why I wish they'd read this piece about the health benefits of touching.  Did I mention I'm getting a massage tomorrow!?  It was a Christmas present from the family. You suppose that means they're sick of all my touching?

1 comment:

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Oh, BG, I'm exactly the same way. I'm all about the touchy-feely. Enjoy the massage, my dear. You've earned it, tenfold.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...