Sunday, February 27, 2011

No to the dress: yes, yes, yes to the hair!

If growing my hair out doesn't prove successful, this is the 'do' I'll be taking to my stylist. FABulous! As for the dress, well, sorry Cate. It's not working for me.


Marguerite said...

That dress, why? Why would she choose that one? Just too weird. I wasn't impressed with any of the clothes. Scarlett Johansen's hair looked terrible. Hard to believe a hairdresser did it.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

this dress was all kinds of wrong. but cate's hair would be very fetch on you, BG!

Judy Roitman said...

Flash Gordon meets the kitchen curtains....

Anonymous said...

Then you're due, because that do is all kinds of you.

100% Kiwi in Buenos Aires said...

At first I didn´t like it but its like a Cameo brooch without the face (not needed with hers!) and with legs

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...