Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Finally... no more muffin tops!

The Gap made me very happy this morning with the announcement of their new high-rise jeans. Not that I'll be walking around in the ensemble pictured above, but after years of 'low-low rise' giving us glimpses of things we couldn't un-see, we're making progress, people!


sf said...

Sooo agree. Why people want to wear a pair of pants that they have to pull up every 15 minutes is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

OMG! (a phrase I NEVER use), I may have to patronize Gap for the first time in decades!

As a tall Boomer gal with a LONG rise, I have been frustrated on the pants front (dress OR jeans) for so long I've been in tears. With most of what is in stores, I have Plumber's Butt while STANDING. "Long inseam" doesn't solve it for us, and I cannot afford Bespoke.

I came here from the "25 Gray blogs" link, but will be looking through anything about "products for Boomers" now. Thank you!

PS -- Tell the Millenial Marketers that we Boomers still have numbers X assets = DO NOT PISS OFF THE TARGET MARKET

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...