Friday, February 18, 2011

Mr. Clean's a knock-out!

With temperatures in the 70's and company coming for dinner tonight, I spent yesterday deep-cleaning my house with my new squeeze, Mr. Clean. Specifically, Mr. Clean's Magic Erasers.
OMG, have you tried these things? They are, in a word, magical. Between Mr. Clean and my trusty Swiffer, I made swift work of spring cleaning. Until, we shampooed the muddy dog last night, causing her to shed profusely all over my newly vacuumed furniture.


Marguerite said...

Been wondering where you were! Have a good weekend, BG. I'll be in San Fran, CA next week. Gonna tag along with my hub on a biz trip. Will make it to Napa and Sonoma, too. Will that be a red or a white?

Cathy Hamilton said...

I'm also preparing to re-enter the world of the employed, so I've been busy doing all the stuff I should have been doing since Nov. Red AND white, always! Have a blast. If you haven't been before, don't miss Buena Vista in Sonoma. Gorgeous property.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

I've always had a thing for Mr. Clean. I will invite him over, at your recommendation.

Cathy Hamilton said...

A word of caution: His package is pretty small. And, by that, I mean I'd like to have more than 4 magic erasers.

Marguerite said...

When Carol is finished with him, I'll take his package (of erasers..)! When do you start work again and where?

Cathy Hamilton said...

M, I start work on Monday, and it's in town. Details to follow. Please don't forget to send your travel wardrobe tips (you can email me direct, if you'd like). The cruise is 'country club casual' which means no coats and ties. I want to pack as light as possible. Thanks!

Colleen said...

BEST cleaning product ever! Ever! Great to use on white tennis shoes too.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...