Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Home. Safe and questionably sound.

   I used to be able to travel gracefully. Not anymore. By the time we got off our last plane - a tiny Continental Express aircraft with hard seats and not even the smallest comforts - last night at 10:45, I looked like I'd been rode hard and put away wet. Forget the lag, people, I was the jet hag! My bed never felt so dreamy as it did last night.
   And now, back to the real world, which I'm sure will be its own kind of adventure today.


Marguerite said...

Welcome home! Take it easy today. I have noticed the jet lag is taking more time to recover from than it used to. Drink lots of water today, then some nice wine tonight!

KJ said...

I can SO relate! "Jet Hag"! Welcome home & enjoy the delicious feeling of sleeping in your own nest!

RK said...

Jet Hag. . . funny, but never. Yes, lots o'water and get out in the sunshine if you can. Sorry you couldn't snag that FC or Biz seat! Enjoyed your trip vicariously! Thanks for sharing.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks for the 'welcome back's and reentry tips. The water is flowing and I popped an extra Vitamin D today, just for grins. RK, I didn't need FC or Biz on the way there. Had a whole row of empty seats to stretch out on. Took a pill and assumed the prone position with two pillows and a blankie. Going back, we were too late to the gate to ask for the upgrade. Oh, well. Complaints are neither appropriate or justified. Glad you all enjoyed the posts. Will try to get my videos up tonight, if I don't pass out first. xxx


I lived vicariously through you you for the whole trip. Thanks for the memories. Glad you are home safe and sound.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

So glad you're home!!!! Take a nap. Take two.

Ann @CreativeBoomer said...

I enjoyed watching your trip unfold. Thanks for taking the time to bring us along!

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