Monday, September 20, 2010

Mad Men: "Beautiful Girls"

    Don and Faye begin with a bang (referring to the lamp they broke, mind you.)  Roger and Joan succumb in a weak moment. Peggy wakes up and smells the equal rights coffee. Sally runs away from home.  I think we all saw those things coming.  What I didn't foretell was poor, old (and formerly freaky) Mrs. Blankenship's not-so-timely demise....but not until getting off the line, "We're in a business of sadists and masochists" with her signature deadpan delivery. 
    Here's to the most humorous episode yet, providing a refreshing dose of levity (especially after watching the darker-than-dark premiere of "Boardwalk Empire.")  Though as the parting shot above suggests, it wasn't all laughs. (Isn't there a little Joan, Peggy and Faye in all of us?)
    Best line of the night: "I'd have my secretary do it, but she's dead."
    And take a lesson, all you fellas out there:  A house call by two Swedish masseuses/nail technicians?  Best. Present. Ever.

1 comment:

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Laughed the most during this epi ever. So great. So sad about Ida Blankenship. Loved her. RIP

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...