For two people stuck in a never-ending kitchen remodel?!? It's genius! And our costumes are already hanging in our closet!
My life's adventures including - but not limited to - consumer reviews of products, services and travel experiences of interest to baby boomer women.
The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...
We've made hair appts for that day - he's getting the Holmes haircut and I'm getting "big hair." The only stumbling block is convincing him to wear the 'wife beater.' This may involve a bit of manscaping.
Paula Deen... perfect, y'all.
Can't wait! We're judging a local costume contest on the 30th. I'm going to carry a big spatula to spank Holmes when he acts up.
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