Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I discovered artichokes in the spring after my junior year in high school and proceeded to eat one every day for lunch that summer. It was love at first bite, a love that has only deepened through the years. So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to learn that Italy is one of the world's biggest producers of the green globes of goodness - and they're in season until May!
According to Bon Appetit and countless Web recommendations, Ristorante Giggetto is a must for artichoke lovers. Located in the "Jewish Ghetto," Giggetto serves their specialty chokes deep-fried (there will be no talk of cholesterol on this trip.)
And the cod is, reportedly, to die for, too.
 The setting looks pretty great...
Inside and out...
Book it, Dan-o!


Marguerite said...

BG, where is this restaurant? Could you get me an order to go? Am picking up this issue of Bon App. today. Ciao.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Okay-dokay, arti-choky. Luv 'em. Luv 'em. It's an on-going thing. Bring one back for me?

Cathy Hamilton said...

Carol, don't you have artichokes all over Cali? That's one of the many things I envy about your existence.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Oh, yes, we are artichoke-heavy, it's true. We pass the land of artichokes every time we head to Santa Cruz: Castroville. Marilyn Monroe was once crowned Miss Artichoke. (or something like that)

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...