Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bless me, Father. I have sprained.

I'm getting ready to purchase my tickets to the Vatican where they tend to frown on women wearing shorts. Perhaps I can get special dispensation from the Pope (I have been baptized AND confirmed, after all) to wear these snazzy compression shorts for therapeutic reasons.
Whaddya think? Would the Holy Father ever hear of such a thing? Likely not.  But, considering we're arriving two days after Easter, I'm hoping he'll be taking the day off.


Marguerite said...

Say hi to the Holy Father for me. You could wear the shorts but no tank tops or bare arms allowed. That would make a great picture. Oh, i'm getting so excited for the trip (mine and yours, lol).

Cathy Hamilton said...

Is it bare arms or bare shoulders that are the problem? I'm thinking I'll just pack my old "Nunsense" costume and see if I can get in free. Talk about a great picture....!!

Marguerite said...

I meant bare shoulders. Do take the Nunsense costume since you will have plenty of space in your luggage!

Carol Starr Schneider said...

The SJG gives you a waiver to wear those shorts with pride. By the time you hit the Vatican, your "groinal sitch" will be gone. Cuz I said so!

Carol Starr Schneider said...

The SJG gives you a waiver to wear those shorts with pride. By the time you hit the Vatican, your "groinal sitch" will be gone. Cuz I said so!

Kim from Nebraska said...

Agree on the bare arms/shoulders thing being a no-no at the Vatican. A friend who visited there last year said there's a gift shop right outside the Vatican that sells large scarves (for $5) to women who are wearing sleeveless so they can go in. Seems kind of like a racket, no? At least the scarf is inexpensive. The friend told me she actually kind of liked the one she got and she wears it as a wrap on coolish summer nights. She's not Catholic and she calls it her Benedict souvenir. Ha.

Cathy Hamilton said...

A scarf that big for $5!? 'Worth looking into even without bare arms. Thanks for the tip!

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