Saturday, September 22, 2012

The end of a chapter, not the book.

        The email came yesterday. "We're changing the plan for Sunday's paper starting this weekend," it said, in so many words, "and your Boomer Girl column no longer fits. How does once a month on Monday sound? That's all we have space for." I said, "Thanks, but no thanks" because, honestly, why bother? (Downsize me once, shame on you. Downsize me twice, shame on me.) I will miss doing the column, but I'll find other outlets, perhaps on the NYTimes' new Booming! page, who knows? And, it's already a relief not to be stressing over what the heck I'm going to write about next week. Here's a big thanks to my readers, especially the ones who occasionally took the time to say, "Hey, I can relate." And, to the Lawrence Journal-World/World Company for the opportunity, among many others, to connect with the community I love.


CZ said...

When one door shuts....onward blogging!

Cathy Hamilton said...


alicel said...

I bet there will be a lot of people demanding to know where Boomer Girl is. Shame on them. But WELL DONE, my little Boomer girl, well done!

KJ said...

So sorry to hear this, Cathy, but you're right...Onward! Something tells me this will ultimately be a very, very good thing with new opportunities ahead.

Jane said...

Sorry to hear this Cathy as I always read your column. The LJW ain't what it used to be and here's another example. May you have the last laugh and a brighter writing future.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Much appreciated, peeps.

Nebraskim said...

I found you via your newspaper column (albeit read on line). Kinda harsh that you were "fired" via email, and I'm not sure what it says about them that they no longer wish to attract boomer-aged women (because it seems to me that newspapers need to keep all the readers they can) but well, you can say farewell to them and put your efforts toward more rewarding opportunities. Looking forward to even more good writing from you.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Kim, I never knew that! What were you doing reading the Lawrence paper way up in Nebraska? Agreed about boomer women (and men). By and large, we're the folks who still read newspapers.

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