Last evening, I was desperate -
desperate, I tell you - for a change. "No more same ol', same ol'!" I declared, as my husband and I pondered where to eat out, yet again, during our kitchen remodel. "How about the biker bar north of town?' I heard myself saying. (Where did
that come from?) "Cool," said Man of Few Words. After a short cruise across the river (via Toyota, not Harley-Davidson - I haven't gotten that bored, yet), we arrived at ....
We were pleasantly surprised to find a small but decent blues band playing on the patio and enough cool breezes for me to belly up to the bar for dinner. It was a lot of fun, one of those "feel like you're out of town" experiences. (The photo below belies the real vibe of the place - tables were filled on both sides of the bar with a lively, diverse crowd.) And the patty melt and salad were better than average, too!
We'll be back. But, next time, I'll be wearing a bandana. It's too hot for my leather chaps.