Sunday, July 11, 2010

If it's Sunday, it must be a column

  Lacking anything else to write about, I turned to the latest "Russian spy flashback to the Cold War" news for this week's column fodder
   I've called in the heavy artillery today.  Mom is coming to town to spend the night (not in this godforsaken hellhole; she's getting a motel room). I plan to lock her in the kitchen, ply her with Scotch and force her to help me make some key decisions.  The big one at the moment is whether to configure our cooktop peninsula layout in a 'U' or a 'G' shape.  Then, I'll climb into her suitcase and stow away home with her for the summer....


Flowers said...

Ha. Loved your column today. Everybody loved to play spy as a kid and you brought back some great memories. Thanks!

Cathy Hamilton said...

Flowers, thank you. "Spy" was one of our favorite go-to games. We hid in closets and wore black and Jackie O scarves and took copious notes. (I always wanted to be Agent 99 - Barbara Feldon - from "Get Smart.") Unfortunately, as the oldest of 5, my younger siblings often spied on me and my friends, especially boys, which was rather annoying....

Carol Starr Schneider said...

You'd make a stunning spy, BG, but you might have to change the gray to red, and I know how opposed you are to coloring! In case you need an assistant spy, I'm very good with electronics (oh wait, no I'm not.) Never mind. Hilarious column!

Cathy Hamilton said...

OMG, Carol. Do you think that's our new reality show: "Suburban Spies Like Us"? We'd make a great team, electronically challenged or not. But, you're right, I wouldn't dye my hair red. Besides, who fades into the woodwork more easily than a gray-haired middle-aged woman?? Redheads are too conspicuous, dontcha know?

Carol Starr Schneider said...

BG! Good point. You stay gray, I'll go red. Love the show idea. "One Shiksa. One Jew. Two wacky undercover suburban spies! This fall on TNT." I'll have my people call your people (if I can find my people).

Cathy Hamilton said...

Like Laverne and Shirley of the espionage world! Diggin' it! I'll go out and bribe some people to be my people so that, when you find your people, they'll have people to call!

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...