Saturday, July 31, 2010

Breakfast of champions

    This is what I've eaten for lunch every single day this week - a garden tomato sandwich with basil leaves, fresh Parmesan, a little mayo and the tiniest slivers of red onions in a toasted whole wheat pocket pita.  I am so addicted to them (and my supply of tomatoes seems endless), I decided to have one for breakfast, too! Who needs bacon?
    I can't wait for lunch!


Flowers said...

Oh, man! That sandwich looks awesome. By the way, was interested in finding out what your favorite restaurant was, but the link didn't work. I was in Lawrence last month and had a great time eating my way through town. Also! Stalker Alert. I saw you having breakfast at Milton's with friends one morning and wanted to come up and introduce myself and tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your writing over the years. But, alas, too shy! Next time.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Flowers, thanks for the heads-up. I fixed the link. We are at FS almost every Friday night, very fond of the daily specials...and the boys like the beer. I'm shy in those situations, too, but I wish you had introduced yourself. 'Would have been fun to put a face on "Flowers". Thanks for the kind words.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...