Thursday, July 15, 2010

The early bird gets the red sheets

Today is the annual sidewalk sale in downtown Lawrence, a HUGE event and highlight (for some) of the summer.  Shoppers arrive before dawn to scour the clearance tables on Mass. Street for miscellaneous merch at bargain basement prices.  Me?  I arrived at 8:30 and did one block before coming into work.  (I just don't have the patience to go the distance anymore.)
I scored these king-size high thread count sheets at Weavers department store.  $110 down to $39.99! 'Thought the color would go with my Ralph Lauren-esque summer quilt and add a festive touch for Christmas and Valentine's Day.  And, they're a "cool" red, which complements my skin tone.  One's color palette is all-important, even - or especially - in bed. (Am I right, ladies?)
There's my backdoor neighbor who owns Weavers with her husband.  That's the great thing about the sidewalk sale - hobnobbing and shopping with all the people you know.  You don't get that in the big city!
One of my favorite little galleries had lots of artistic wares marked down and on display.  The looming price tag of my kitchen remodel prohibited me from even looking.  Score one for willpower!
I almost -- ALMOST -- dropped some major cash at the yarn store.  Then, I thought 'why buy another skein or six, just to have them sit in my knitting basket with the other ignored skeins for years to come?' Score one for reality checks!

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Inn of the Governors

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