Monday, November 15, 2010

Better than chocolate!

No, I'm not talking about sex. (Not this time, anyway.) I refer to floor tiles. Specifically, the ones that were laid yesterday...
 ... giving me far more pleasure than the seven concoctions I tasted under pressure (with no red wine chasers, by the way) as a chocolate contest judge yesterday afternoon. (I kid. It was one of the more pleasant tasks I have had to endure.)
Have you ever seen such cuckoo cocoa carnage in your life?! My vote went to the flourless chocolate torte with raspberry sauce on the far left. I had two bites of that one; only one nibble from the others. The ultimate test of self-control! Still, you can't imagine the buzz I had for an hour afterward. (I will try to get the recipe for you chocolate lovers.) 


Marguerite said...

Ooh, your floor looks like chocolate!

Cathy Hamilton said...

It really does! And the backsplash is the color of coffee. Double buzz in the morning!

Cathy Hamilton said...

Flowers, thanks. "Kick ass" was my dream, and it's finally starting to come true. I love NYC apts. I was in a friend's kitchen once (her address was 2 Fifth Ave, I oddly recall) and she had a 'big' living room, too. The kitchen, on the other hand, was four feet wide. The upside - she had a view of an apartment of naked people while washing the dishes.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...