Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bonfire birthday bash

Back in the 70s, we called them "woodsies" - parties on someone's parents' undeveloped land outside the city limits, usually including at least one keg of beer (alternately called "keggers.") Last night, I celebrated a friend's 60th birthday in the same manner. Entertainment was provided by the birthday boy's son and company, the music reminding me of mellow 70s fare. The beer was in bottles, not cups, but it was fun, and it really took me back.
And, speaking of fire...I'm cooking with gas now, friends!  Cooktop installed; dishwasher soon to follow. Today, I'll have running water after 4-1/2 months of washing dishes in the bathroom sink.  Color me giddy!!


Marguerite said...

Congrats on the kitchen status. The cooktop and counter looks very elegant. No water for months, omg. But all worth it in the end. I can't wait to see my new kitchen. When is your birthday? Mine is Dec. 21. I also have a huge cookbook collection. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving BG!

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks, M. It's amazing at what you take for granted. Like water. Mine's Dec. 9 - double nickels this year. I LOVE cookbooks - esp Junior League and 'church ladies auxiliary' titles. One of the many tasks to come is whittling down the collection so it doesn't overflow the designated bookshelf. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

Marguerite said...

BG, I plan on getting a pic of myself soon. Just have not figured out the procedure for doing it. It's more fun to have an idea of who you are writing to and what they look like. My hair is transitioning from blonde to silver. I love it. :) I also have many Junior League cookbooks and a some church auxillary publications! Do you think we could be related? LOL

Cathy Hamilton said...

You never know, Marg. And, as you know, I fully support the blond-to-silver transition. You'll never look back. If you need help posting the photo, let me know what your issue is and I'll try to help.

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...