Friday, November 5, 2010


The features section of our newspaper is all but going away next week. Thus, after 20 years with the company, my "position" was eliminated yesterday afternoon at 2:30. Unfortunately, knowing I didn't have to get up and go to work this morning didn't have an effect on my inner alarm clock.  Fortunately, I'll have all the time in the world to take a nap later. I'm not afraid of the future. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. There are a million ideas and projects on my back burner, waiting to be reignited. Meanwhile, in an email, a good friend asked me how I was feeling. My answer - for lack of a better one - was "very American."


Anonymous said...

Sorry to learn of your lay off. Can't wait to follow your new adventures!

Kim from Nebraska said...

Very sorry to hear this. As a former newspaper person who escaped to higher ed PR in 1988, I feel lucky, although the budget ax swings ever closer to my head each time. They would much rather cut an older, higher salaried (and thus allegedly more insurance-expensive) worker than a younger, allegedly more productive, lower-salaried worker. My only skills, writing and editing, are no longer in high demand because good "content" is not appreciated. Good luck, you will do well.

Carol Starr Schneider said...

Oh, no, hon. I can't believe this! On to better things, hopefully a few projects together.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks a lot. Onward, upward and forward!

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry to lose you, dear friend. My Sunday mornings will never be the same again. I so looked forward to your column each Sunday morning. It was my very favorite part of the paper, excluding KU basketball, of course (heehee). I wish you good luck in your next venture and hope to see other articles from you.

Flowers said...

Oh, boo! Sorry to hear this. You are the one writer that paper had that I read regularly over the years.
They are worse without you. I never understood that joint's business plan, other than them not ever showing any interest in keeping top-tier writers.
Onward! and upward! is right. Good luck in whatever is next. Kitchen first.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks to you, too, Anon and Flowers. There will be one last column tomorrow (I think). Ironically, after weeks of begging, my mother granted me permission this week to write about her new 82-year-old boyfriend. I would have been set with material for the rest of her life, or his!

Carol Starr Schneider said...

You'll still write about Mom and the new beau!

Going Like Sixty said...

Did the newspaper report their layoffs as they do others?

Cathy Hamilton said...

Sixty, I doubt it. I don't believe they reported on previous rounds. But then, I haven't read the paper since they let me go.

Anonymous said...

Yet one more reason that I have given up on the LJW. You were one of the few consistent bright spot on those pages. I do not understand that organization. Did it come as a shock to you, or were you warned? What on earth will the paper be worth without the features section? No one I know depends on it for news. I am sorry for you and for your readers. Egad.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Thanks, A. It was a bit of a surprise, yes, but not shocking. There will be Food on Wed., and some feature content on Sunday and in Go! These are business decisions. As difficult as it is sometimes, you can't take them personally. On the upside, I worked out and played with my dog in the sunshine this morning!

Inn of the Governors

The Inn of the Governors on West Alameda is where my maternal grandparents used to stay in the '60s and '70s when they'd visit ...