Monday, September 24, 2012

Is this goodbye?

     Last night, my husband and I had "the talk." It's a debate that started years ago, but a resolution was always postponed. I guess neither one of us could face reality. (Denial is more than a river in Egypt, my friends.) Now, with our monthly cash flow tightening even more and early retirement on the horizon (that's my plan and I'm sticking to it), the question burns again: Is it time to ditch the land line? After all, we never use the thing. It still rings and rings, but the people on the other end are, 9 times out of 10, solicitors or politicos (which, these days, are the same animal.) And, we never use it to dial out. 
    I could use some input. Have you kicked your home phone to the curb? Why or why not?


Carol Starr Schneider said...

I will always have a land line. I makes me nostalgic for simpler times, before cell phones and portables. Now you have no idea what the person on the other end is doing while you're on the phone. That said, I know many people who've gotten rid of their land lines, and they seem relatively happy with their decision. But secretly, they're filled with regret!

Cathy Hamilton said...

That's what I'm afraid of, CSS --- regret! And what about when our 24-year phone number goes to someone else, eventually??!

A Fan said...

Off and on debate with us also the past few years. We opted to keep land line becuz. . .(1) for our security system (phone line acts as back up for remote signal and vice versa) (2) emergency back up if cell phones would not work (our paranoia) (3) the same number for 25 years and still want to be listed in "white pages" in the event someone wants to find us. (4) It's just bundeled in with cable/internet. and. . .(5) we still get an occaisional call from a family member(s) who refuse to call our cell phone.

CZ said...

We have not had a land line for many years, at least ten. I can't think of one reason to have one. Go for it and enjoy the savings.

Karen said...

I have not had a land line for many years, maybe over 15. I do not miss the bill or the solicitors and Politicians. I especially don't miss the wrong number in the middle of the night.
Moving forward was a decision I made when my dad passed away and I was my mom's house more than my own. I do not regret it and anyone and everyone that needed my number then still has my new number.It has allowed me more freedom and independence than I ever thought possible. Thank goodness for the internet to keep in touch with long distance friends and relatives who rarely called anway. I say go for it. That money is better spent on a cruise! Kp

Karen said...

Did you know you can also keep your land line phone number? check with your mobile company.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Wow, peeps! Thanks very much for all the input. Some very good points here. Karen, I didn't know about keeping the land line number. Will check into that, but wouldn't that negate the benefit of no spam calls and wrong numbers? Hmm. Yet another modern dilemma. Stay tuned. We'll figure it out.

Anonymous said...

We transferred the land line to my cell phone a few years ago and it's been great. The "kids'" (aka adults)friends still have this number, tho it's not in any phone book.
Plus, there's no new number to remember!

Joyce said...

Yep, did away with the land line about 6 months ago and haven't missed it once. Only problem? disguising the switchplate/wires where the main connection was in dining room.

Cathy Hamilton said...

Joyce, I think you've pushed me over the edge. The only extension we had left was in the bedroom so the connection is already behind the nightstand. Done! Land line, over and out!

Lana of MN said...

I always have a land line because I'm self employed and doing a lot of phone work. Also, my cell reception is spotty in my apartment so I use it when I want to have an uninterrupted phone conversation. It's cheap, about $20/mo. because it's bundled with cable and Internet. I also believe (maybe I'm wrong) that if you call 911 from a landline, they can immediately the address where the call was generated but I'm assuming they can't immediately do that with a cell phone.

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